Building Connections with AI

A short story of using AI to make custom stickers for the team

Gant Laborde
4 min readAug 29, 2023

I love coming up with customized stuff. It’s not easy, and there are tons of tips and tricks to make unique, fun, and interesting customizations for your community. None of these come close to what I got with a little AI.

This is the story of how easily I got custom stickers for my team with AI.


Our team meets in person once a year, but during the pandemic, we didn’t see each other at all! So we came up with the idea of “Red Day” (because we’re called Infinite Red), where there’s no client work and we spend the day, virtually, together.

Now we’ve returned to meeting in person, but we kept Red Day! Why not? And one of the fun things we like to do on Red Day is mail out a letter or a package to the team. And this time, I decided to send the team some custom stickers on a custom sticker sheet!

So now I just need to figure out what to put on the stickers…


I came up with a very simple system:

  1. Ask chatGPT for some really fun sticker ideas based on some facts about our team
  2. Ask Midjourney to generate images for the stickers based on the chatGPT results
  3. Grab text/styles from Envato that help me tie all the styles together
  4. Go to StickerMule and print the results!

So how did it go?

It went great! chatGPT was soooooooooo gooood at coming up with sticker ideas. I gave it about a paragraph of context and from that little bit, it gave me tons of ideas! Three of them stood out to me.

Regardless of the AI serving “CodeBrew” hot, the ideas gave me visuals… not exactly the visuals I wanted, but the visuals it generated were inspired!

Then I went to Midjourney and within a few iterations I had some pretty amazing graphics!

The hardest part was making a choice at all! I’m no Midjourney expert, so I assume someone could have done 100x better, but after a few small iterations I was extremely happy with the results.

I picked out the 3 graphics that fit the 3 messages I had gotten from chatGPT.

So amazing!


I grabbed a few text styles from Envato, and downloaded the stickersheet template from StickerMule et voila!

Super cool sticker sheet

Did you send your team anything else?

Of course! I wrote another blog post on the NFC tag I sent everyone, which I think is really cool. Check it out here!

What is in the bag and how does it work? I explain it all in this blog post:

I hope you enjoyed reading about this initiative, and if you’re looking for the best place to get help with your React Native mobile app, don’t forget my company Infinite Red. See ya soon!

About Gant

Gant Laborde is a co-owner and Chief Innovation Officer at Infinite Red, published author, adjunct professor, worldwide public speaker, and mad scientist in training. Clap/follow/tweet or visit him at a conference.



Software Consultant, Adjunct Professor, Published Author, Award Winning Speaker, Mentor, Organizer and Immature Nerd :D — Lately full of React Native Tech