Welcome Back to In-Person Conferences

Your Tips and Tricks for Returning to the World

Gant Laborde
Red Shift


You might have forgotten what in-person conferences feel like, so allow me to help you get back to the world of the living.

a hodgepodge of graphics to symbolize a flight

NEW! COVID Guidelines

Don’t forget your vaccination card! Seriously, do not forget to bring a physical card. While your state might support a virtual vaccination pass, you’ll need the paper copy when you travel.

Kudos to conferences like DevNexus who not only do onsite testing/card verification but also provided comfort stickers.

Expect precautions as conference organizers take protective measures. Do everything you can to prepare for a variety of comfort levels. I saw one lady wearing her red “don’t touch” sticker on her forehead!

Now it’s time to cover the classic conference advice

Your Prep

Pack less than your luggage can fit. Confs notoriously have swag that you think you need. I’ve come home with playing cards, shirts, mugs, and even jackets. It’s safe to say that even after you reach the “I’ve got too much stuff” level of swag, you still bring home something because that’s swag’s job. There’s even a new AI company based around corporate gifting. Leave some space for cool things.

Bring human-networking stuff

EVERY CONFERENCE I HEAR, “Do you have a card?” and the person replies, “Oh! Not with me!” Don’t miss out on that opportunity to make a connection! Bring along some business cards, or stickers, or popcorn (Yes one duded put his info on popcorn)!

In 2016 I actually had this as my card, with actual data on disk!

There’s going to be a lot going on, and you want to make a lasting impression. Does your company have its own swag? Promo materials? Cards? Stickers? Don’t forget to pack these things. As a bonus, the space these things take up will be replaced with other cool things from the wonderful people you meet.

Bring “YOU fuel”

For most of us, it’s not normal to go out and socialize three days in a row. This means you’ve gotta think about what makes your marathon. Is it coffee, candy, 5-hour energy drinks? Don’t forget to bring some recovery hydration packets so you can weather the long flights and dry conference rooms. Bring gum for your breath, extra contacts/glasses, and whatever makes you your best.

When traveling right after a pandemic, you’re gonna need some new stuff.

Bring computer-networking stuff

Security is at an all-time low at conferences. It’s a goldmine for any black-hat hacker. If you can, bring your own access point. If you have to use the conference WiFi, use a VPN. Any public resource is a security concern.

Also, be sure to bring a USB Data Blocker if you decide to charge your phone on any public USB. Data Blockers stop nefarious USB connections and restrict USB to power only. This is the safest way to use any public USB cable for charging. They’re cheap and easy, so grab a few of these to throw in your bag.


A “just in case” bag is nice

If you’re the kind of person who likes to be prepared, I recommend a few items that I bring to EVERY conference. A friend knew this and actually sought me out at a conference when they were in need.

  • AA batteries
  • Band aide
  • Headache medicine
  • Hydration powder
  • USB/USBC to everything converters
  • Floss
  • Earplugs
  • Styptic pencil
  • Extra cables

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in, and day-out.”

- Robert Collier.

The Goal: Build Lasting Connections

After a few years of zero in-person interaction, it’s important to take advantage of the hallway track of conferences. Go early, stay late, and talk to everyone you can. Jamon Holmgren and I will be flying to California for Reactathon in the Park, and we’ll be staying the whole week; not just to network at the event, but also networking with employees and friends in California.

Conferences are where all the best ideas, friendships, and revelations happen. If you find yourself riddled with imposter syndrome or introverted energy lapses, go talk to the people throwing the conference. They know everyone, and they want you to be paired up with long-lasting connections.

Gant Laborde is a co-owner and Chief Innovation Officer at Infinite Red, published author, adjunct professor, worldwide public speaker, and mad scientist in training. Clap/follow/tweet or visit him at a conference.



Software Consultant, Adjunct Professor, Published Author, Award Winning Speaker, Mentor, Organizer and Immature Nerd :D — Lately full of React Native Tech